Thursday, March 15, 2012


Payard champaign truffles (dusted in cocoa powder) from New York -- sent as a birthday indulgence by a dear sister-friend.

New yoga DVDs.

Children learning how to do the dishes.

May weather in early March.

Getting responses to my research inquiries for my grad school paper.

A lovely visit and lunch with a gentleman and some OSF sisters to talk about Haitian Families First.

Funny students, and bright, curious, and good-natured.  My teaching gig is good.

A "cake" (type yet to be discovered) dusted with cocoa powder, also shipped to me by sister-friend for my birthday; arrived in special packaging and dry ice.  In freezer until I've enjoyed the truffles -- parceling out all that goodness for extended birthday enjoyment.

The decluttering process.  I've been in the works at a moderate pace for two months.  I anticipate it taking through the summer to finish.  It is so energy-giving, but I have to do it in small projects in between other priorities.  It does feel like a breath of fresh air, though!

A massage gift certificate from my sis-in-law and bro-in-law for, yep, my burfday.  Can't wait for that appointment  .  .  .  very soon.

Have I mentioned anything about sweet delicacies dusted in cocoa powder?

Maya Angelou's books.  I'm pretty far in life to be tackling that series, but after dabbling in her works a wee bit over many years (LOVE "On The Pulse of Morning"!!! And her eulogy at the funeral of Coretta Scott King is eye-watering and skin-tingling amazing), I realized I needed to know more, read more.  At least, I suppose, I'm getting to it before I'm 40.  (Right before -- sh!.) 

A daughter VERY excited about an out-of-town sleepover invite from a sweet, dear friend.

Another daughter recovering from her hilarious, passionate excitement over ISAT testing.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Way, way serious about good performance, writing "good luck on ISAT" notes to classmates, being sure to wear her "comfy ISAT clothes" to school.  Alarmed by her earache and the possibity of being sick from school during the testing.  Sit-com funny.

A son who has lived through his first grounded-to-his-room consequence.  Has lived to tell the tale, and finds great relief in rejoining his brother "out in the world" for hugging, tickling, and giggling, once again.

A dog who makes yoga darn near impossible.  50 pounds of pup lying on the yoga matt makes quite difficult the transition from child's pose to prowd warrior.  She is her own downward dog.

In process of refinancing the house.  Ridiculous big money to be saved.  Ridiculous big money we all pay in interest, typically.  Wow!  And wow!

A former student, now a Starbuck's barista, gave me his employee discount.  Nice.

I've got a tentative idea for my eventual master's thesis.

Our taxes are almost finished.

Sleeping with the windows open, and awakening to BIRDS! 

I realized the other day that there are some people out there who do, indeed, read my blog.  You rock!


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