Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why Are You Typing Everything?

Jameson asks this question as he waits for me to finish an email so that I can then quiz him over his science note cards.  I explain that's how I get things ready -- for school, for soccer, for babysitters  .  .  .  to which he adds inquisitively "adoption?" 

"Yes, for adoption stuff sometimes," I share.

"You?  Why not Dad do that, too?"

"Because he cleans up the dog poop."  (Among other jobs, of course, but I thought that demonstrated the point adequately.)

Apparently not so, because Jameson forgot about Dad's laundry expertise, board-game playing, Sunday evening Haitian food cooking, mowing the yard, rolling the garbage and recycling to the curb, and, and, and  .  .  .  Jameson considered too quickly the yard scooping job, raised his eyebrows and assessed, "That's easier." 

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