Friday, March 18, 2011

The $1,700 Day

Yowza!  Well, it WAS just another March day  .  .  .  spring break, getting some things done, feeling funky about having too much to do, but appreciating the sunshine (finally!) .  .  .  Dog to the vet, family to the photographer, taxes figured up and paid, and (nice, but very reasonably-priced) bikes for Anna and Jameson.  I'm sure there's a Murphy's Law that speaks to the fact that the two FUN items in the list are, of course, the ones with the lowest sticker prices (by FAR).  It's always those unexpected "gotta take care o' business" stuffs that sock it to us.  Wow.  It's been quite a day.  In the depths of my 4-year-old "spring," plaid purse rests nervously a much-violated wallet (synthetic, Target, $12, four months ago).  Poor thing. 

We're planning to take the kids to a movie tomorrow for the first time since our two newest youngin's came home to us.  Matinee.  Definitely.  And burrowed next to the now-shy wallet will be four baggies of free candies from our own kitchen cupboard.  Shhh!

Don't get me wrong, we're some darn lucky folks -- two full-time jobs in areas of our professional training when so many other people are without gainful employment.  I mean, the kids DID get bikes (and helmets), and we ARE going to a movie.  So no, no, I am not complaining, just sharin' some sticker shock, reality check, and the need to conjure forth my frugal roots, once again. 

Last week Anna proclaimed that she'd like to go somewhere for spring break -- apparently hearing classmates at school talk about their own up & coming travel plans -- to which I replied teasingly, "Oh, honey, we're teachers.  We go to Wal-mart for spring break." 

We laughed. 

And we are having our own fun; yes, right here in Central Illinois.  In fact, mostly in our own back yard, and front yard, and sidewalk up and down our street  .  .  .

The joy of jellybeans  .  .  .  that Anna and Jameson earned from us (Del's on Merchant!)
for having to get shots and a blood draw.  (And they both offered some of the sweets to Hunter and Bay who remember all too well all the "Haiti trip shots" they endured a few years ago -- with the promise of snow cones awaiting them back then, when their needles were done. 
Shots suck.  There's just no way around that.)

Oops!  The remote control airplane went over the fence.

My Irish son?


Slumber party in the boys' playroom,

and in the living room.

The very best things are always free.

1 comment:

  1. Love your spring break pictures - especially Baylor and Anna sharing jellybeans on the swingset and Jameson in the yard. Thank you for sharing on your blog!


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