Monday, January 24, 2011

Pitt Fun from "That's Church"

As a Pittsburgh baby, I follow the blog of Burgh writer Virginia Montanez -- "That's Church" -- big fun.  Lots of laughs.  Found this youtube link from her blog delightful; not entirely sure why -- it's too far past this mommy's bedtime to think much.  Give a click and check it out.  For good laughs, go over to and scroll through a few entries -- whether you know all of her references or not (I surely don't), I think you'll get some chuckles.  Although, she did once talk about "dippy eggs," and I'm all over that -- for my fellow Illinoisans - that's eggs into which you can dip your toast (I was in my twenties before I heard 'em called "sunny side up".)  Oh, and I just realized that my blog music will conflict with the Youtube video music.  Hm.  Anybody out there know how to circumvent that? 
OH, of course -- thank you to "Gene03" (I believe that's Uncle Gene on Chad's side of the fam?) who responded to this shout-out for tech help -- one need only scroll to the bottom of my blog page to the music player at the very end of the left margin and click "pause!" Okay, so, if you were wondering if I was at all tech savvy, the answer is a definitive "NO!"  We can keep that between us, though, right?

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