Saturday, February 6, 2016


I recently messaged a dear friend that if she and I and my other sister-friends lived near one another in a suite of apartments, "they" would have to turn it into a high-quality dramedy -- as good as M.A.S.H.  Not a war zone, just real, honest, quirky, humble, hilarious life.  And then it hit me like a ton of bricks -- the obvious -- the allure of The Big Bang Theory and the old NBC Friends  .  .  .  the yearning to have "our tribe" right there, right HERE, with us, surrounding us.

Sigh  .  .  .

And then I got sick.  Well, actually, it was when I had stayed sick due to the first, 10-day prescription of antibiotics not killing it off.  I'm messaging with aforementioned friend (who lives in Heyworth), and another sister-friend (in Iowa) calls to give me medical advice and to hear how my voice sounds, and another (in Maroa) messages out of the blue that she misses me.  I get home late from my son's 2-hour-away Sectional basketball game, not having been home since before work early that morning.  I am dragging exhausted, snorting, sneezing, and coughing.  I have a migraine hammering my head and nauseating my stomach.  But there's a box on my desk that had apparently arrived in the mail that day -- from my college friend who lives in the Chicago 'burbs.  It's a tea cup, vanilla caramel tea, and dark chocolates filled with salted caramel...and a card telling me to take care to rest myself.

Nurturing treats brought into my home, a voice on my land line, letters and script across my phone and computer screens.  So, it's not adjoining apartments, but my sisters -- in Pennsylvania, Kansas, Iowa, and many locales up and down Illinois -- are all right here.

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