Sunday, June 17, 2012

More from Rohr

Excerpted from Father Richard Rohr's 6/17/12 post:
"I can’t believe that God expects every human being to start from zero and to reinvent the wheel of life in their own small lifetime. We must build on the common 'communion of saints' throughout the ages. This is the inherited fruit and gift which is sometimes called the Wisdom Tradition. It is not always inherited simply by belonging to one group or religion. It largely depends on how informed, mature, and experienced your particular teachers are  .  .  .  (growing) from "my religion which has the whole truth" to "universal wisdom which my religion teaches in this way.” If it is true, then it has to be true everywhere.
  .  .  .  collective and common wisdom .  .  .  keeps recurring in different religions and with different metaphors. But the foundational wisdom is usually the same  .  .  ."

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