Friday, January 7, 2011

HOME! There is no place like home. The kids are home!!!

Yes!  Wi!  Amen!  We are family.  Celebrate good times.  Sweet home Chicago (well, sort of).  This is home.  And over a few evenings I will eventually write for you our journey, and yes, post some pics  .  .  .  but it's past 11pm and the kids will need me in the morning -- all four of them!


  1. Halelujah!!!! praise the Lord.

    SOOOOOOOOO Happy for you all!!

    Welcome home!!!!

    warm greetings
    Marianne (Francesca)
    The Netherlands

  2. GOD IS GOOD!! Im so happy for you ~to say the least.. the Wilsons

  3. Yay, I am so glad your kids are finally home. I have been following your journey and the news puts a smile on my face!

    Laura Gierszewicz

  4. YAHOO!!!! Finally!!! Ah, doesn't it feel good?! Can't wait to meet them!!!

    Cousin Marcy


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