The finished piece
The one Hunter, Bay, & Mom did collaboratively last summer
And wires were added to the girls' playroom to make room for the growing collection
Not to be outdone, Jameson made his own four-panel poster of his strengths, dreams, what he loves about Haiti, and what he loves about the U.S. "Self" can be viewed in the "Boys' Playroom Gallery" on the west side of the south end of the second floor grand foyer. It is showcased on the dark cork display.
Baylor's "Hibiscus," Summer 2010
Hunter's "Kiwi," Summer 2010
Honoring Anna's request for her art to be framed on the wall as is an abstract painting of Hunter's in the dining area, I scored these awesome, simple frames from Target (again, think French-esque, because we all know it's Tar-jay (soft, soft "j"). (Who can help me with this keyboard-foreign-spelling thing? Oh, heck, who am I kidding? I need more than a keyboard trick.)
"Green Circle" by Jameson
The desk of Artist Anna
And of Brain-in-overdrive-Baylor. Has nothing to do with art, really,
just showing you what I live with. The beige pokey things in the clay pot are the remains of the experimental planting of an entire ear of corn, that has not been watered since October.
(But can't be thrown way. Lord, help me.)
Sweet Hunter's hand print (done at age 3), Bay's newborn footprint, and NOW, Jameson's thumbprint, and Anna's puckered lips. (We tried the two-finger peace sign; doesn't translate in black paint prints. Jameson got a big laugh seeing his sister with the gooey dark all over her kisser.)
We also read today, and worked on sight words, and math, and writing. (And Starbucks hot cocoa.)
Busy, busy day -- and very, very good.
Nigh' night!
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