Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting There

Friends of Beatha and Jameson and parents of Beatha and Jameson's friends -- just a quick shout out to let you know that we've got intentions to get the kids in touch  .  .  .  just finding that everything takes far, far longer than ever anticipated.  What we thought we'd get accomplished in our transition and adjustment one day doesn't happen until days and days down the road.  Grace, Alex, Jimmy, Gertride, Pierre & Ange-Laurette, Savannah, Midelyne, Gavin, Wantz, the Rebers, AW Elementary classmates, "brothers and sisters" of the "Pitt 12" group, and SOOOoooo many others -- we haven't forgotten you!  You're on the master list of this Mama blanc -- promise!  : )

1 comment:

  1. Please send Jameson lots of hugs and love from Neiss' Pieces. We miss him so much, and feel so blessed to have been a part of his journey to your heart. God bless all of you.


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