I am old. Seriously. Anna and some friends are playing "Truth or Dare" in the living room (on the couch in front of my open office door, out of which is my direct view from my desk -- they might as well be sitting in my office as they answer "Who was your first grade crush?") . . . using a cell phone or ipad or ipod app. It's some techno gizmo or gadget with icons and apps. Back in my day, we had to invent the questions and make up the dares (wagging wrinkled hand in the air to emphasize my passionate cry for the good ol' days) . . . 'cept this app, being associated with some business or other must have a sense of responsibility to the customers -- ultimately the old people parents of the app-users, and I admit that this techno-version is, uh, it ain't a bad thing that this is a bit less creative than when my friends and I used to play. Yeah, one girl had to snort like a pig near someone unsuspecting (i.e. Hunter battling xbox in the upstairs boy cave), followed, of course by the requisite running back to the safe haven of the "girls' living room." Much better than blind-fold tasting a spoonful of Thousand Island dressing, or mooning the window, or God knows what else we invented in the age of rotary phone and casette tape that this 39-year-old brain has forgotten.
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