Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lights . . .

The kids are old enough to venture around the free rides area of the Forsyth Family Fest while I hold station in the shade of the pavillion.

Being honored as grand marshalls of the parade was a fun time -- complete with a horse-drawn carriage to haul our crew.  (Thank you, Forsyth!)

Evening fireworks which we viewed from just 3 blocks from our home, in a spot that was visited by only our family and one (1!) other family, and the breeze was blowing -- no mosquitos!  Relaxing  .  .  .  Ahhhh.

A daughter's style sense is progressing nicely, and her growing confidence is shining through.

Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappacino (or whatever it's called?) at Starbucks.  It's coffee.  It's chocolate.  To-tal-ly satisfying.  Topped with CHOCOLATE whipped cream.  Delectable.

New fort-playset-to-connect-to-new-treehouse is moving along .  .  .  and the boys are having a time working on it together.

Z's zumba is kicking my petootee -- and that's good, very, very good for my health.  I need someone to push me, to exercise at all!

My son, who's choice of fuel is jelly beans, won a jelly-bean guessing contest at the library.  Yep, he won a jar of 557 colorful beans of gel  .  .  .  His guess was only 7 off.  The man knows his candy!

Choxie dessert truffles on the end-cap clearance spot at Target -- one box for Chad and one box for moi!  Yay, us.

Lean Cuisine Linguini Carbonara.  Peas, bacon, cream sauce, basil, red peppers.  Super yummy and sort of balances the chocolate.

My $3 reading glasses from Wal-mart have worked thus far to prevent ANY headache even after 2 days of nearly endless reading.  Yay, me, some more.

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