Monday, June 25, 2012

More of My Favorite Rohr

"If we want to go to the mature, mystical, and non-dual levels of spirituality, we must first deal with the often faulty, inadequate, and even toxic images of God that most people are dealing with before they have authentic God experience. Both God as Trinity and Jesus as the “image of the invisible God” reveal a God quite different—and much better—than the Santa Claus image or the “I will torture you if you do not love me” God that most people are still praying to. Such images are an unworkable basis for any real spirituality  .  .  .  Trinity reveals that God is the Divine Flow under, around, and through all things—much more a verb than a noun; relationship itself rather than an old man sitting on a throne  .  .  .  " 
--Excerpted from Father Richard Rohr 6/25/12

Monday, June 18, 2012

Overheard at the Cluver Abode

"You should allll-ways have refreshments when you're watching movies," declares Baylor, as she and Anna take respite in the air conditioned living room with bags of popcorn to watch the "Evan Almighty" DVD they checked out from the library.

Well, now, there we have eternal wisdom to carry us forward in our lives.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lights . . .

The kids are old enough to venture around the free rides area of the Forsyth Family Fest while I hold station in the shade of the pavillion.

Being honored as grand marshalls of the parade was a fun time -- complete with a horse-drawn carriage to haul our crew.  (Thank you, Forsyth!)

Evening fireworks which we viewed from just 3 blocks from our home, in a spot that was visited by only our family and one (1!) other family, and the breeze was blowing -- no mosquitos!  Relaxing  .  .  .  Ahhhh.

A daughter's style sense is progressing nicely, and her growing confidence is shining through.

Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappacino (or whatever it's called?) at Starbucks.  It's coffee.  It's chocolate.  To-tal-ly satisfying.  Topped with CHOCOLATE whipped cream.  Delectable.

New fort-playset-to-connect-to-new-treehouse is moving along .  .  .  and the boys are having a time working on it together.

Z's zumba is kicking my petootee -- and that's good, very, very good for my health.  I need someone to push me, to exercise at all!

My son, who's choice of fuel is jelly beans, won a jelly-bean guessing contest at the library.  Yep, he won a jar of 557 colorful beans of gel  .  .  .  His guess was only 7 off.  The man knows his candy!

Choxie dessert truffles on the end-cap clearance spot at Target -- one box for Chad and one box for moi!  Yay, us.

Lean Cuisine Linguini Carbonara.  Peas, bacon, cream sauce, basil, red peppers.  Super yummy and sort of balances the chocolate.

My $3 reading glasses from Wal-mart have worked thus far to prevent ANY headache even after 2 days of nearly endless reading.  Yay, me, some more.

More from Rohr

Excerpted from Father Richard Rohr's 6/17/12 post:
"I can’t believe that God expects every human being to start from zero and to reinvent the wheel of life in their own small lifetime. We must build on the common 'communion of saints' throughout the ages. This is the inherited fruit and gift which is sometimes called the Wisdom Tradition. It is not always inherited simply by belonging to one group or religion. It largely depends on how informed, mature, and experienced your particular teachers are  .  .  .  (growing) from "my religion which has the whole truth" to "universal wisdom which my religion teaches in this way.” If it is true, then it has to be true everywhere.
  .  .  .  collective and common wisdom .  .  .  keeps recurring in different religions and with different metaphors. But the foundational wisdom is usually the same  .  .  ."

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Damn.  It died.

Monkey Saves a Bird

As I'm in the middle of three tasks -- reading (procrastinating) to prep for my class that begins Monday, hauling to the basement organized tubs of toy overflow from the soon-to-be-rearranged girls' rooms, and rotating laundry through machines, Hunter interrupts task-master, cranky mom insistently, "Mom, there's a hurt bird."  He will have my attention -- it's in his voice, on his face, and planted firmly in his stance upon the basement stairs.  My little monkey, funny man, diplomat, gentle caretaker, has an outward disposition that belies his ability to step up and stand firm.  And today he will protect this bird. 

He guards the fledgling from the family dog, Bogey, while I call the vet and then the Raptor Center for guidance.  I leave a message and follow the instructions to check their website.  After relaying to Hunter that this bird is going through it's normal process of plopping to the ground while trying to fly and will hop around for some days as it grows more feathers and finds things to eat, I am challenged by my little man that the bird's left leg is injured; he can hear it "crackling." 

He buys my collaborative argument that we don't know if the bird is injured or not, that he isn't a bird expert and doesn't really know, and that it is best that we not touch the bird to find out.  With clear direction, Hunter gets to work posting a sign on the inside of the mudroom door as reminder to all not to let the dog into the yard unattended, and another note on the door from the garage to the yard for Dad to notice the bird so as not to create a calamitous accident when continuing work on the tree house construction.

Now, I just pray to God that this thing begins to move around the yard, toward a shrub, as it should.  If it is, indeed, healthy, then we will not be able to know how it is doing after today, because it will be adept at moving around undetected.  Hunter could at least, then, hope the best has happened for his vulnerable underling.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Passing It Along

Excerpted from 6/9/12 post by Father Richard Rohr:
"Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist who was a major contributor to quantum physics and nuclear fission, said the universe is 'not only stranger than we think, but stranger than we can think.'  .  .  .  Of all the religious rituals and practices I know of, nothing will lead us to (the) place of .  .  .  vulnerability more than forms of solitude and silence, where our ego identity falls away, where our explanations don’t mean anything, where our superiority doesn’t matter .  .   .  God is not only stranger than we think, but stranger than the logical mind can think  .  .  .  "

Friday, June 8, 2012

Truth or Dare?

Image DetailI am old.  Seriously.  Anna and some friends are playing "Truth or Dare" in the living room (on the couch in front of my open office door, out of which is my direct view from my desk -- they might as well be sitting in my office as they answer "Who was your first grade crush?")  .  .  .  using a cell phone or ipad or ipod app.  It's some techno gizmo or gadget with icons and apps.  Back in my day, we had to invent the questions and make up the dares (wagging wrinkled hand in the air to emphasize my passionate cry for the good ol' days)  .  .  .  'cept this app, being associated with some business or other must have a sense of responsibility to the customers -- ultimately the old people parents of the app-users, and I admit that this techno-version is, uh, it ain't a bad thing that this is a bit less creative than when my friends and I used to play.  Yeah, one girl had to snort like a pig near someone unsuspecting (i.e. Hunter battling xbox in the upstairs boy cave), followed, of course by the requisite running back to the safe haven of the "girls' living room."  Much better than blind-fold tasting a spoonful of Thousand Island dressing, or mooning the window, or God knows what else we invented in the age of rotary phone and casette tape that this 39-year-old brain has forgotten.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Heart in Haiti

A 12-year-old boy in Haiti by the name of Junior is in need of heart surgery; without it, he may have months to live, at best.  We've made a few contacts -- the ones that we know -- to try to find someone who knows someone  .  .  .  who could do the surgery pro bono in the U.S.  As none of the leads attempted by other persons has yet to be the answer, please consider talking with hospital persons you know about how we might find a surgeon and hospital that are able and willing to be Junior's answer.  Message me here, on Facebook, or by email.  Thanks!