Sunday, August 7, 2011

You Are Mine

I sat between Hunter and Jameson at Mass this morning, and Jameson did a particularly effort-filled job singing every song and doing the Catholic aerobics (stand, sit, stand, kneel, stand, kneel, sit, stand).  He and I shared the book for the last song, "You Are Mine" (David Haas, 1991) and upon losing pace he asked me to help him with tracking along.  I pointed to our location of the moment within the hymn, and turned toward him for our sharing purposes;  considering the lyrics, I felt I was singing to him as I'd done for Hunter so many years ago during my first-born's infant years.

Today's lullaby went like this:

"Do not be afraid, I am with you. 
I have called you each by name. 
Come and follow me,
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine."


  1. That is my all-time favorite church song. Always brings tears to my eyes.
    Katie H.

  2. Funny how today's reading reminded us that God doesn't speak in loud crashing waves, but in the small quiet voice . . . and I daresay gentle beloved Church lullabies . . . And David Haas has always had a particular way of slaying me. Love you.


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