Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Clicking into Place

First -- Upon checking my favorite Pittsburgh blog (okay, the only Pitt blog I know and read) last night, I recognized the Burgher who's picture popped up.  "That's Church" by Virginia Montanez (in sidebar to the right under "Gotta See These Blogs" and mentioned in a post further down this page) first came to my attention because Ms. Montanez reports from time to time on the McMutries' work in Haiti, and I so enjoy both her humanity and her wicked humor, AND it gave me a good flavor of the city where I was born that I got hooked.  Last night the blog entry mocked the local news for a small thing regarding a dog that made its way onto the network's airwaves, as is a semi-regular source of humor for Montanez.  She posted a freeze-frame from the newscast, which was a close-up of the dog owner, and it just happens to be -- to my shock -- somebody that I ACTUALLY KNOW!  Does this mean that after living in IL for the past 36 years (since I was 2!) that the black and gold of Steel City might still run through my veins, like totally legit, now?  Like, I know people who get on the news that is mocked by a tried and true 'Burgher blogger? 
(Rem, was that a psychic moment?  I kid, I KID!)

Second -- When Anna bemoaned that proof-reading three 1-page essays would probably make her too tired, I practiced my newly-remembered strategy, and instead of reprimanding or explaining ad nauseum why this and why that, I got loud and silly and said, "Oh, yeah, that's right.  I re-mem-berrrr what happens when you do too much school work stuff -- the pencil explodes and blows off your hand.  You're left with just a bloody arm."  (Sounds morbid I know, but replay it with obnoxious, silly sarcasm and a smile.)  Anna's face broke into the giganticnest (new word?) smile, cocked her head playfully, and said with laughter in her voice, "Mo-ommmm!"  And then she began to correct her writings.  Score -- 1 point for Mother.

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