Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Say Cheese!

Twice in my life I've indulged in some fabulous local photography -- right after Baylor was born (preschooler Hunter with wrinkly new sister) and now, with our complete family with all four kiddos.  In the years between we've done an avalanche of stop-&-shop portraits and endless snapshots, but when I want something particularly cool, we go to Mark Woods (Clinton, IL).  I think you'll see why  .  .  .  bragging on the composition and his magic touch, not on the subjects per se  .  .  .  and, yes, I got permission to post the images, and no, it's not a paid advertisement  .  .  . 

Mark did a particularly nice job bringing out the relaxed, glowing Anna; flashing-smile Jameson; and humorous, happy Hunter.  (Bay is always ready to ham it up.) 

Yes, Chad has a tattoo.  Inside the heart is "Haiti." 
Across the top, "Espwa," and bottom "Fanmi" --  Haitian Kreyol for "Hope" and "Family."

Seriously, not gettin' a dime, here, folks -- just passing along what I think is fabulous: 
Mark Gregor Woods, Master Photographer
824 N. Center; Clinton, IL 61727


  1. What a lovely bunch you all are. I wait eagerly for the day when you all are up in the Freeport area so Sarah and I can come over to visit and meet your newest family members.

  2. Those pictures are GREAT!!!! Love them!!!

  3. ...oh, and Chad's tattoo is really cool!!


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