The theme (for which inter net images are posted around the house along with "8" printouts and balloons) was "Cowgirls" and "Baby Wild Animals," because "They're both great, and I just can't choose, Mom." Thankfully, the kids have grown to relish waking the morn of their big day to see these few, simple decorations. We're talkin' cheap balloons full of parental hot air tied up with some curly ribbon. It works.
And the rule on birthday cake is that any dessert, really, can be chosen, and said sweets will be homemade unless it is a particular confection worth the price -- i.e. DQ ice cream cake. (The cookie dough variety is Bay's annual pick.)
Basking in the serenade and in anticipation of the impending wish-making.
A homemade poster for my little Ramona.
More than pleased with the haul, Bay poses for the annual gifts-on-couch shot. Now, before you say, Holy cow!" let me clarify that this pic includes the many awesome presents from aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Chad and I gifted her the "My Generation" doll (Target -- 1/3 the cost of American Girl) and the "Cowgirl boots" ($7 clearance synthetic -- she loves 'em); the softball cleats are from the brothers; and, of course, the already celebrated life-size flower from the sis' not shown here.
It's fun for me to witness this modest indulgence for my youngest, as she is always
thrilled with whatever she is given. Yes!
I was overjoyed to find that over the course of the evening Anna had been working secretly at her desk in the playroom to create matching necklace and ring set for Bay, which she wrapped up in this hand-made envelope and accompanying note. All of this was attached cleverly to the leaf of a sketched tulip on the back of a sign Anna hung on Baylor's part of their bunks.
So, I was gentle about it when I needed to explain to Anna that it would be ideal
for her to ask for tape rather than to glue things to the furniture.
Good night, my silly girls.
OK, I wasn't going to comment, as I know I comment too much! BUT, that last line had me Laughing!! Gotta love it!!