Well, it's a cold, clowdy March day. Okay already, so all those people who don't have March birthdays -- normal people who see the third month for what it is, I concede. It's a tease. And too often, a let-down, meteorologically (looked it up -- it's actually a word -- I know, I'm pleased, too). So, we have to make our own sunshine, and for me, these moments more than suffice . . .
Two Sundays ago was kids' Mardi Gras in the church hall, and it's always great fun to watch the kids play at random around the room of Ring Toss, Marble Shoot, Checkers or Chess, Nerf Bowling and gobble down cotton candy or popcorn-candy-pretzels mix of delicous sugaryness (does
not appear to be a real word) and get faces painted or balloons twisted into animal shapes -- all for a few coins. One bag of quarters makes them feel like they're livin' high on the hog for an hour and a half.
The money raised in this pre-Lent gluttony all goes to a worthy cause. Last year, the funds went to Jamie and Ali McMutrie's Haitian Orphan Rescue -- see their web link at the top of my left margin on this blog page, and this year, 2 goats will be purchased through Heifer International to provide economic opportunity for families in need. As a visual aid (the teacher in me loves it), there were two baby goats present at the party -- in a large, octagonal baby gate arena atop taped-down slabs of cardboard. Hand gel for before and after petting them. Very cute. They got ticked at something toward the end of the festivities -- lots of loud baa-ing. Lots. At the climax of the party, candy was strewn from a pinata (that resembled nothing like a goat; so, that wasn't the issue), and kids scrambled for the glorious wrapped confections, parents gathered coats, and our beloved Sunday school leader called out on the microphone for people to take home the extra cookies. "Baa, Baaaa, BAAAAAAAA" from the open-top plastic jail in the corner. Can anyone say "Prairie Home Companion?"
Anna continues indulging in her party mix at home.
Bay insisted we take photos of her face paint so as to preserve it eternally -- quite forelorn was she to realize it had to be washed off before bedtime.
Eee, quite a mugshot.
Star Wars Battle Royale on another day . . .
Little Figure Guy Battle d' Some Sort with Cluver cousins Hagen & Brooks
at R. Cluver's house for little Lilah's birthday.
Big 'Cuz Anna helping birthday girl, Lilah
The Gals -- Anna, Lilah, Bay, & Allie
Tinkerlilah, and her hot mom -- the "other" S. A. Cluver.
Yes, you're welcome, Steph. Tee hee.
The Crew lookin' like a death squad. Do you see the crazy in Baylor's eyes.
Really, where is the holy water when you need it?
And there ain't nobody who can "diva" with a plastic bullet blaster like Miss Anna.
Brooks is business -- double-finger-guns AND a backwards ball cap.
Then, Monday the14th, we're running tight enough on time that I can't torture with multiple shots
and my usual, "Cooperate or this will never end." Fed up immediately with Mom's camera,
they gave me these looks for their before-court poses. I warned them fair and square,
"Alright, you'll look like goobers on the blog." Warning given.
No, it's not yet a finalized adoption -- still more procedure to go, but it was a formal step -- "Interim Order of Adoption" granting legal custody, and thus, starting the 2-year clock toward citizenship. Hunter thought it was crazy sweet that we had a lawyer. And that we were in a courtroom. With a judge. And Mom had to take the stand and talk in a microphone. Yeah, just like tv, except it wasn't. At all.
Everybody liked what followed -- "Noodles & Co." pasta shop for lunch!
And the second half of "G-Force" on the mini-van DVD system for the 45-minute ride home.
Home. Ahhh . . .
And a 4 o'clock visit from "David" of the Children's Village in NY who is contracted to oversee the children's well-being during this phase of custody prior to adoption. Off the plane, drive to Forsyth, visit and notes, back onto the plane. He'll return in May.
And so, we move into the evening -- the girls watching a movie together [ :) ], Jameson driving Mariokart on the wii (yes, A G A I N), then off to soccer for Hunter followed by a drop-off off at a friends' for a sleep-over, and then back home for some Mommy-Anna reading time.
This spring break thus far hasn't been much "spring," and in some ways not much of a "break." But life is good. Quite, quite good.
(Even if a freshly-ground, devilish bag of dark chocolate decaf coffee stares at me, untouched . . . waiting for Easter -- the end of Lenten sacrifice. Can you imagine if I was accustomed to "leaded," and was doing caffeine withdrawal? It's rough enough giving up the rich, sweet taste of lattes . . . with that bold flavor . . . oh, I best stop now . . . Is it cheating to pop open the bag to inhale the aroma?)
(You're imagining my nose rimmed with coffee grounds, aren't you?)