Monday, February 21, 2011

Four-Day Trial Run

Well, tomorrow begins the four-day school week (Presidents' Day allowed us time at home today)  .  .  .  and it's the kids first go at the whole shebang of Cluver family routine -- out the door by 7:20 to Colleen's, then the bus to school  .  .  .  the bus after school back to Colleen's, then picked up by Mom or Dad around 4:00.  It's worked for years for Hunt and Bay.  Colleen (formerly known as "Tah-yeen," and most recently as "Co-co") is amazing and calm and my hero.  It's simply a few more steps in the day for the kids to make their own and about an hour and a half less time at home; so, home time will be a bit busier than it was up until now.  They're ready, and I'm pleased with the pacing we've used.  This will be a good dry run as I take this last week to get caught up on some of the remaining important matters before I, too, am at full throttle on the 28th returning to my own classroom.  Phew!  I am so, so, soooo glad we've taken this one thing at a time.  They're ready.  I'm ready.  But it's still daily work.  And reflection.  Livin' in the moment.

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