Thennnn, boys tackled Wal-mart with Daddy (thank you, Amen!) while we, three girls, strolled calm, quiet, pretty, clean Target with hot yummy beverages in hand. (I soooo love Target . . . and Starbucks in Target. Anna loves to pretend she's speaking yet another foreign language by reciting my "usual" -- "Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte Decaf." Which, I know, is largely a foreign language. It's just that she imagines she is saying something other than the name of my favorite over-priced coffee drink.)
And then back to hermitting in the house for what was left of "Snow Day #3" . . .
What Hunter was watching:
Meanwhile, in the family room, Mom becomes a fan of Disney XD,
(Sorry for the poor photo quality. I'd blame the camera, but high chance it's operator error.)
because BOTH girls like it, and were willing to snuggle up (on opposite ends) on the same couch, using the same blanket without negotiating leg room or showing concern over whether they each had equal share of blanket coverage. Still learning to be vulnerable with each other, they declined an embracing pose for a picture, but readily moved to a shared center position to do some
generally pleasant and just plain silly shots.
And now that all four are nestled warmly into beds, visions of early morning and school-
work loom overhead (for two, at least). For tomorrow the retreat ends and classes are in session
for the planned half-day, but then there will be a weekend for more play!
I'd better rest up. (wink)
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