A stove burner is on "low." I inquire, a bit concerned. Anna replies, "I'm making tea." "Okay," I say with a sense of curiosity and caution. (The kids don't really use the "real" stove, yet.)
I rustle around the pantry looking for oatmeal when the female middle schooler informs me, "Mom, I'm making you breakfast." Amused, a bit curious, and peacefully overjoyed, I close the food closet and sit at the counter.
A pumpkin spice bagel, toasted and buttered, and a beautiful cup of decaf mint tea with a touch of real sugar.
Need I even say it? Anyone out there have a teenage daughter? Anyone out there bring an older adoptive child into your family? Out of bed, ready on time, cleaning up after herself thoughtfully, and MAKING BREAKFAST FOR ME.
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