Okay, so, it's later. As if the Easter Bunny isn't interesting enough, what gives with the Tooth Fairy? We, here, play all of it up big time, because it's fun. It's imaginative. It's the magic of childhood. Thanks to friend Teri Doty I got the idea years ago that the Tooth Fairy leaves a mess of silver, magic glitter all over the place when he/she visits. Surely, "Mom" would never make such a mess in the house, right? And ya know how I've often compared Baylor to Rowling's Hermione and to Cleary's Ramona? Well, apparently her imaginative, dreamy Ramona side was doing battle with her inner Hermione, because this is the note she left on her dresser:
(The interesting grammar and capitalizations -- and occasional lack thereof -- are Bay's.)
"Dear tooth Fairy, This If you can, could I please have something rather than money like something from wherever you stay or something else! What do you do with all the teeth? Write back! P.S. I tried to clean my tooth. --Baylor A. Cluver"
And the note next to the note beside some candy pieces she also set out:
"For tooth Fairy Enjoy! Why do you put Glitter everywhere? Are you small? are you a boy or Girl? --Baylor A. Cluver
She is totally into it, but wouldn't mind some proof, and thinks there's a reasonable chance she'll get some magical stuff and/or mystical answers. She apparently desires some validation for the condition of the tooth, and has a Freudian slip of feminism with her capitalization of "Girl"?
The Tooth Fairy did not write back, but he did leave the blossom from a Bleeding Heart flower plant (just like the one in our back yard), and Baylor reported excitedly the next morning that her request was fulfilled.
Both Ramona and Hermonione win today!
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