What looks more like Christmas time than a young girl in her Sunday best, covered with an additional wrap of heavenly white (extra bed sheet), her head topped with a golden, tinsel halo, and a pair of poster board angel wings? Or shepherds (and in 2011, also shepherdesses) with their belted tunics and over sized crooks for corralling their flock? "Little Gray Donkey" followed by "Silent Night" and other classic selections both sacred and secular.
Anna, Bay, and Jameson sang their hearts out while Hunter, not so much the performer, spectated from the pew with Mom and Dad. We met back in the parish hall for a festive gathering and nourishment (cookies, sandwiches, hot drinks) put together by the ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society. Perched upon the cold, metal, folding chairs, sharing time with community members young and old, we couldn't have felt warmer.
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