Saturday, November 5, 2011


Twenty-ish "burning bushes" all around the front porch are now their autumnal, vibrant red.

The sun is out!

A daughter moisturized, combed, and styled her own hair (2+hours of work) for the first time -- with (wait for IT...) positive, helper-attitude!  (ALL the angels are singing a chorus of Amen AND Allelujia on this one.  Way seriously epic proportions of hooray.)

Have I ever mentioned that I like decaf coffee? 

A son is reading aloud, alone, and with fluency and inflection "Green Eggs and Ham."  Big jump in reading skills and confidence!  (BIG smile -- from us both.)

When the big $19.99 Target investment in a daughter's wardrobe
continues  to be as big a hit once home as it was at the store. 
(And is paired happily with last year's leggings and the $7 clearance boots.)

The $5 mini-pillow-pet.  Yes, Target.  Daughter had just enough allowance saved up for "Mango."

Strangely enough, one of life's delights (to me) is evidence that "Baylor's been here."

Notice the brand-new, unsharpened condition of the pencil -- certainly so as to assure that LilyAnn doesn't make any stray marks on the beloved coloring page of Jesse.

Rainbow princess, I believe in distress. Clone Trooper, scratching his knee? 
Pumpkin Princess all "Oh, no, you dinn't." 
Ninja revival ('stume of a few years back) with throwing star injury to the right orb.

Some of the boys' "Adoption Day" gifts. 

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