Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Pics

After returning from swim lessons, three o' the kiddos waged a water war.  Miss Anna preferred to dry off and warm up inside with her Hannah Montana DVD from the library  .  .  .

Once back inside, the three youngest of the younglings opened up shop; two shoppes, actually -- "Baylor's Herb Farm and Super Market" (our pantry), and the boys' comic book store (no sign, no official name).  The guys' low-key marketing ploy seemed to draw in the dough (home-made money) from each other and from Bay, while the gal complained that she wasn't getting enough business  .  .  .

Ya know, Uncle Ben's Ready Rice, plastic vials of oregano, sage, and dill, and Mom's bottles of
salmon oil pills and probiotics just aren't what the young crowd is shoppin' for these days  .  .  .

Some wittle crafties Mom is proud of  .  .  . sparkle-centered fleur hair clippies for the girlies  .  .  .

"British" hats in prep for Anna's birthday high tea with sibs  .  .  . proud because I made this up while roaming Target and Walmart -- a plastic bowl, pink tulle, artificial pink peony, and white feathers (only ~$3 per hat!); all that viewing of the royal wedding paid off!

And Daddy's contribution to the landscape aesthetics  .  .  .

Gettin' things done, havin' some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Do you market your pantry organizing??? If Bay can organize like that, she is hired!!


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