Reliving our youth, and trying to keep ourselves from the gloom of the never-ending wait for our kiddos, Chad and I dug up some appropriate attire for the fall faculty "'Back to School Party -- 80's Style" hosted by our good friends Phil & Jill Applebee . . . although anyone who knew me back in my younger days will attest that the get-up seen in the pic is less horrid than my make-shift attempts at fashion in my preteen/teenage days. (No, this does not require a response of tagged images on Facebook; certainly the web would crash if such horror was attempted. My evil eye IS watching.)
And as if our appearance at the party wasn't ridiculous enough, we later participated in "Twin Day" during homecoming week at the HS where we teach (Maroa-Forsyth) . . . Pretty simple idea, not so easy for me to teach -- the kids had a hard time taking me seriously (although we did work, a lot, I just smirked and cackled more than usual while discussing Ancient Greece, the rules of map use, and sociological issues) . . . I guess it's all coming full circle, as I've now been flattered with parody (alongside a dozen or so other faculty) in the pep assembly skit put on by the Seniors [wearing a sari, talking about my friend Archana, and, separately, using my now infamous teaching line (albeit stolen from Wayne Kent) oft repeated when studying other cultures -- "It's not weird; it's different!"]
HA HA HA!!! Love the picture of "twin day!!"