Friday, August 27, 2010

New School Clothes

Yoda-lovin' mellow man can't exactly say he likes the getting up at 6:30am bit or having to accomplish an evening checklist of homework, packing his lunch, and such, but he did luck out by ending up with the same beloved teacher he had in third grade.  Mrs. Upperman is da bomb!  And if ya get a new Star Wars t-shirt, back-to-school can't be all bad.  Monday and Thursday night soccer training is enjoyable for this fifth grader, as he's got great coaches with loads of expertise and plenty of healthy perspective on kids' sports.  Sleeping in on Saturdays is still the favorite activity, and night-time back rubs allow for this introvert to go into endless talking mode -- interesting thoughts go through the minds of these quiet ones.

Miss Bay was soooo way ready for school to get going, even if her hyper-alertness leaves her exhausted by the end of each day.  Another fabulous teacher, Ms. Stout, is at the helm of Bay's second grade class, and our little blondie is already enjoying her teacher's stories, in-depth art lessons, and ample dose of social studies.  Matching the components of her outfits has happened more frequently for Baylor this year already; in first grade she, shall we say, had strong opinions about what to wear which had nothing to do with coordinating colors, styles, prints, or seasons.  If it was clean and within dresscode, I learned simply to say, "Thanks for getting dressed."

Chad and my classes have all gotten off to great starts -- nice schedules and overall really fabulous students. 

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