Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good Politics

Calling for the expedited approval of provably orphaned Haitian children, recognizing the on-going need of the Haitian people, and supporting the incredible work done at God's Littlest Angels (PaP, Haiti) by Dixie Bickel (originally of Clinton, IL), HR1121 has been filed with the Illinois House of Representatives by State Representative Bill Mitchel (of Forsyth), and it now has a co-sponsor -- Representative Jim Sacia (89th District; my hometown of Freeport).  The resolution is in committee.  If folks across the State of Illinois could give the IL representatives from their area quick calls, we could get a lot of support and momentum behind this important statement that mentions specifically the twelve children from BRESMA who currently still reside in Pittsburgh.  You can find your representatives' contact information as well as read the full text of the resolution by going to  Thank you!