Wednesday, January 30, 2019


This blog afforded me the ability to connect with extended family and friends in the long-ago days of our adoption journey, when we knew the kids would need some quiet in the home and yet anticipated our loved ones wanting to be along for the ride. It is also a record of my sojourn of naivete and learning as I attempted to make sense of it all.  It's personal and pedestrian and even includes images borrowed from the web -- nothing professional about it.  Because there were painful, hard-won lessons, I've left here the evidence of my ignorance about international adoption and childhood trauma and my efforts to appropriately appreciate a foreign country and its people.  I leave it unedited as an honest archive to give a humbling reminder that we never get all of life figured out.  To quote one of my students, "Don't you wonder what we're doing now that's wrong and we don't even realize it?"  Yet, it also serves as motivation that it is worth trying to get things right as much as we are able so as to reduce the harm and increase the good we might do a la Maya Angelou's "when you know better, do better."  My use of Facebook has gradually surpassed this place for my personal exchanges, and it is time to draw this spot to a close.  I am working slowly on a new and entirely different blog project that I will share once I have it ready for you.