Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homecoming Week at MFHS

Can you guess Monday's theme?

Yep, "Tacky Tourist Day!"

(Last weekend the kids and I went poppin' tags at Decatur thrift stores.  
Although, we had a few of our own items we tossed into the mix.)

Annnd Tuesday was "Decade Day" -- dress according to the style of the decade in which you were born.

Yeah, creepy.

Our kids saw their dad's chin for the first time ever.  
We're wagering how long it will take for the goatee to grow back in  .  .  .

Oh, the wackadoo things to which teachers will submit themselves to humor their students.  
It's also pretty darn fun.

The Kids Get in on The Action

Bay & J had dress up days this week, also, as a fundraiser for the MFGS Community Club  .  .  .  Wednesday was "Dress Like An Adult Day."  

One little Daddy sportin' the 70s 'stache and one wearing the traditional Cluver goatee and whistle.  Someone forgot to tell Jameson that adults don't always have to be serious.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


 Yes, we behaved ourselves reasonably well  .  .  .  
cider for the kids and gluten-free brew for Papa.

But, oh, boy did most of us get our fill of carbs (not "gluten boy"), from German potato salad and pretzels to mac-n-cheese.  Of course, that was balanced (ahem) with some good, Bavarian protein (sausages), vegetables (sauerkraut), and fruit (apple sauce).  Two of our Cluver Clan doused a touch of Haitian hot sauce onto their helpings.  The family dinner was complete with traditional Oktoberfest music, courtesy of Mom's classroom collection of CDs.