Our kick-off awareness event, "Hoops for Haiti," at one of Chad's boys' basketball games was a heart-warming success. The media took interest in reporting it, and thereby launched the wider Decatur Area support campaign for the work of Jamie and Ali McMutrie's "Haitian Families First." (
www.HaitianFamiliesFirst.org -- click here or on the icon in the sidebar.)
T-shirt sales was the sole fundraising component, and today we prepared a check to be sent off to HFF in the auspicious amount of $2,012(topped off by a few extra bucks). We hope this will provide some medicine for kiddos and families while we continue our work in the community, and across the U.S., to bring to fruition HFF's goal of a self-sustaining community center in the heart of Port-au-Prince.
Our grassroots committee is interested in visiting your civic organizations, fielding questions, and listening to your ideas. Comment here, or email me at
cs95cluver@sbcglobal.net .
Donations are great (see the HFF website), but
moral support of HFF is equally
valuable -- add your address to their private list on the bottom of their homepage "Stay Informed..." (3 seconds to do), and "friend" them on Facebook.
Talk with your friends and neighbors.
Follow the progress.